1·Humphreys wanted other people to make this discovery, too, so he decided to share his idea.
2·One has to make a very important discovery.
3·This discovery led Perkin to start a company using this chemical mixture to make purple dye.
4·You see it in faculty members who are pleased when their students make a discovery that undermines a cherished theory that they had put forward.
5·It's every archaeologist's dream to find a lost civilization, to make some huge discovery, to find artifacts no one else has laid a hand on in millennia.
6·Now any users who find this WSDL document through whatever means of service discovery will have two options for where to make the actual request.
7·When my husband and I had to make a decision whether we should gain some benefits from our discovery, both of us thought it violate our pure concept of studying.
8·This is especially true in data storage, where the tiny magnetic grains that make up computer memory follow many of the physical laws better explicated by this discovery.
9·It may not make you live longer, but it's still a pretty amazing discovery.
10·Other people quickly traveled to the area of the great Klondike River where the three had made the discovery. Some also found huge amounts of gold, enough to make them extremely rich.